Environmental Services
GGI provides a diverse range of environmental services designed for the needs and requirements of the client to satisfy the regulatory requirements of the local, state, and Federal authorities. GGI works with the client to address the regulatory obligations while ensuring financial accountability. (Hydrocarbon Contamination (Tijeras Canyon), Contaminant Transport, Hydrocarbon Contamination (Santa Fe, NM), Contaminated Sediment Storage, Plutonium Distribution).
Groundwater Discharge Permits (Residential, Commercial, and Industrial)
Aboveground & Underground Storage Tank Investigation & Remediation
Groundwater Contamination
Groundwater Monitoring & Contaminant Assessment
Permitting & Monitoring Compliance Support for Storm Water Pollution Prevention
Permits & 404 Permits of the Clean Water Act.
“We assist with permit compliance, site assessment, water quality protection, mineral resources, contaminant tracing, and hydrogeologic investigations.”
Example of Cross Sections Showing the Distribution of Petroleum Contamination in Soils at a Site